Jun 17Liked by Cody DeYoung

Cody, this is one of the most enjoyable articles I have read in recent memory. The depth of your experience and wisdom is refreshing. In the last ten years I have become quite a plant person, having been drawn towards understanding more wild ways of being. That path, as you very well understand, has drawn me into such devotion for insects. As certain plants became well-known to me, as I became more and more present/observant, their insect partners became obvious. The relationship and synergy between these forms of life is a precious teaching on the interrelationships we all share. As my husband and I were driving south from the WI northwoods yesterday, I saw a billboard for The Insect Portraits of Levon Biss. I felt so much joy that there was someone elevating our collective vision of insects. And my last thought I’ll share here, I have long enjoyed Mary Oliver’s description of them: the small kingdoms …I enjoy the reverence for these kingdoms that your writing brings. Thank you!

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Thank you, I'm very glad you enjoyed the article! The relationship between plants and insects that you mention is one of the most important in nature. I have been a gardener pretty much my whole life, and often to really 'know' your plants you come to know the insects too- and vice versa- they are often so close that it becomes hard to think of them as separate organisms.... the plant exists as a system with its pollinators, predators and parasites. It's amazing, for instance, to see two species of almost identical beetle which are specialized to feed on different plants...

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Jun 5Liked by Cody DeYoung

Wonderful article!!! Thank you for sharing your incredible knowledge of entomology, nature and tying it all to literature. What a great perspective!

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